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Стандартный Средний Большой

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Смоленский областной центр народного творчества
Версия для слабовидящих

About us


Smolensk Centre of Folk Arts and Culture

The state cultural institution is situated in the oldest historic place of Smolensk, its central part.

The Centre has been working for the revival and development of the traditional culture of the Smolensk Region for quite a long time. Our voluntary work for keeping and enlarging the local traditions of folk arts has been aimed, in the first place, at the formation of a common system of the cultural environment, the methods of facilitation of work in amateur art activity groups, the interaction with municipal unions and social institutions as well as at the organization of some seasonal activities.

In the present we would like to repeatedly look into the origin of the Russian spirituality and culture, save the accumulated experience and develop the achievements.




© Смоленский областной центр народного творчества, 2024

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     г. Смоленск, ул. Бакунина, д. 3
E-mail: smolzentrnt@mail.ru

Телефоны: +7 (4812) 38-55-92
+7 (4812) 38-55-03